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Business Automation

What Does Business Automation Look Like?

Automation simplifies all areas of a business by automatically accomplishing tasks that you or an employee would otherwise have to do manually. 

It’s the “sorry I missed you” email from a salesperson who just left you a voicemail. The birthday coupon from a restaurant. The reminder from a retailer that you added a product to your shopping cart but never clicked “buy.”

Across industries, automation has become a key to success: nearly 80% of top-performing companies have used marketing automation for more than 2 years, according to the research firm Gleanster.

But automation isn’t reserved for big corporations anymore. Small companies can, and should, incorporate automation in every aspect of business: from capturing leads to closing sales, serving customers to checking routine office tasks off the to-do list. When repetitive processes are automated, small business owners can devote their time to the goals that really matter—like growing the business.


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